TEDxDaanParkLive | LiveCast TED2018

  • 2018/04/25(Wed) 19:30(+0800) ~ 21:30(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google Calendar )
  • 華岡興業基金會 大安中心 / 台北市大安區信義路四段1號3樓
  • TEDxDaanPark
Organizer TEDxDaanPark

TEDxDaanParkLive - TED2018 LiveCast Viewing Party

TED2018 is hosting an annual conference with the theme “The Age of Amazement". The event will shed light on the key developments driving our future, from innovative AI technologies to exciting new forms of creativity, and to courageous advocates of radical social change.

TEDxDaanPark is going to host a LiveCast event by selecting TED2018 speakers’ videos on technology, globalisation and future human development.

TED2018 speakers highlight:

Yuval Noah Harari - historian and writer the author of 'Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind' and 'Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow' (recommended as a must-read by Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Ex-President Barack Obama).

Kirsty Duncan - the Canadian Minister of Science and Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities who works for all Canadians to nurture science in Canada and encourages people of all ages to have inquisitive minds.

Kevin Frans - an AI genius and a high school student who had a dream to build   an AI robot that can talk, create and laugh like humans and is a strategic thought  leader on how humans will operate alongside the rapid development of cutting-edge biology, technology and science.


TED2018:The Age of Amazement  轉播放映會

TED2018年會主題為「The Age of Amazement」,活動將邀請關心科技、全球化,以及人類未來發展議題之各領域專家與各產業行動者擔任講者。帶領社會大眾一同思考如何在尖端的生物、科技及科學迅速發展之下,尋找一個新奇又具有洞察力的方式通往未知之境。



・Yuval Noah Harari -「人類大歷史」及「人類大命運」作者(比爾・蓋茲、馬克・祖克伯及歐巴馬都推薦書籍)。

・Kirtsy Duncan - 加拿大聯邦科學暨體育部部長兼首席科學顧問。

・Kevin Frans - 在年僅17歲時便完成自己第一個神經網絡:聲音面孔識別系統的AI奇才。

** 活動不收費,現場將提供輕食、紅酒及飲料,報名完成後將由主辦單位寄送電子票券,入場請出示QR code。

華岡興業基金會 大安中心 / 台北市大安區信義路四段1號3樓

Event Tickets

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2018/03/23 16:00(+0800) ~ 2018/04/24 23:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
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